Hooray long weekend, sigh I have been so lazy in blogging but I promise to do so, but here are some updates! (For more updates, check out on my twitter on the left!)
- Work has been stressful but meaningful and full of learning. Holding on responsibilities now. 83 more days to graduate!
- Sangewea sold!
- Getting obsessed with N95 8GB, any good lobangs for a brand new set? Starting price 600SGD! Email me @ hellomorninghowdoyoudo@gmail.com
- Loving spearmints more and more each day! Been spending almost the whole weekend with her! We are doing countryside dating, so we aint no townies.
- Suddenly everything else seems to be in a blur, I only see what I want to see and I dont know if its the best to keep away, be oblivious or what.
- Eeks! This blog is fading away! I am going to post up the rest of the Vietnam pictures! Soon..