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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Today was so busy I thought today would never finished. Well, it did ended and finally its the weekend already! it is definitely a long week end cos i only start work on monday at 9.

9 pm!

I think I am going to tabao

1) chicken rice
2) cup noodles
3) have a nice afternoon filled with starbucks coffee
4) more coffee

whooray! i am going on night shifts and you know what that means?

freedom. :)
Monday, June 23, 2008


Relative A, came running and rushing to us. I saw her coming through.. I was like omg dont tell me. Dont tell me her father .....


"Missy! My father just passed alot of motion! He cannot stand it anymore! Please help me change his diapers!" *in a breathless tone.


Who invented emergencies?
Friday, June 20, 2008

Lesbian couple of 55 years ties the knot

Del Martin (right) 87, and Phyllis Lyon,84, make history - as they are declared "spouses for life."
"For the first day in State of California, we deny no one their rights and opportunity to get married."

I teared upon this news not that the fact that they got married but their love for 55 years, and Del Martin was on a wheelchair. 55 years, do you have any idea how long was that?

I want to have that and wanting to have that makes that one of the top 3 priorities of life. I don't know how much passion, compromises, love, and willingness for them to make it to 55 years.

55 years.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Seriously. Today I was working the afternoon shift and I hate afternoon shifts because the weather gets too hot and humid. And afternoon seems boring because I don't get to do much changes and my reports are restricted to I & E (We go by the format of APIE Assessment, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation) unless that fellow comes out with a brand new problem for me to focus otherwise I am usually begging for work to do until the EN comes along with a stack of pink folders.. sigh. Struggling life of a student.

But I digress. Afternoons come evenings which everyone gets off work and suddenly a whole lot of relatives swarming in. Every cubicle you will see a mix of Malays (the whole family comes and picnic with him - trays of food), of Chinese (standing around, talking loudly and wiping body), and Indians (food and drinks and conversing loud too). It is almost scary to walk INTO the cubicle sometimes because everyone would start to ask you to do something. IT IS NOT LIKE I DONT WANT TO, BUT I ONLY HAVE TWO HANDS AND TWO LEGS. Sometimes Singaporeans act like they are damn big because they are in the hospital and they paid the subsidized amount. Go figure.

And the worst part is? Interrupting you while you are serving medication. There is a reason why we do wear a vest (not me but the nurses but I get irritated while I am serving medication) that consists of 4 languages, English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil that prints:

Medication Serving Rounds, Do Not Disturb.

Seriously our vest is in fluorescent orange. Suddenly everyone needs a visit to the ophthalmologist! They would just interrupt:

"Sorry, my father passed motion, can you clean him up?"
"Sorry my father wants to go to toilet, can you bring him?"
"Sorry my father needs to move his pillow, can you move?"

How about this, this is the best.

"Sorry, my father's handphone is not ringing, can you please help him to see if the phone is working?"





Seriously this diploma and super low pay is getting harder and harder to get. Seriously we are seriously a nurse, a maid, a punching bag, a middleman, and not last and not least, a hp repair woman. Honestly this is getting too absurd, our scope of duty has suddenly widen. We need more recognition behind all these care organizing. Singaporeans need to know their limits. We are honestly not maids, if you want some to serve you on hand on foot, get someone else, not the nurses. Quite sick of being treated like shit, like some low class citizen, like WE OUGHT TO DO IT.

Stop abusing the nurses. We don't get paid much yet we are treated like some labour that everyone gets to abuse. Look at China, their nurses are more focused in the patient care, NOT PATIENT'S NEED, their family members bathed them, cleaned them, feed them, did everything for them. Look at this Singaporeans, sometimes it hurts to even look.

It is not as though I don't enjoy this job, but people need to know their limits and it is wearing my passion thin. I salute to those long serving nurses, they came a hard time.

For now I am going to sleep and rest my bones so that I can 'serve' people tomorrow.



(sorry it is too ridiculous i have to do it again)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sapa, Laocai, Vietnam Part 2 (Cat Cat Village)

I wish I could be there right now, I rather freeze to death then to work. I need a holiday badly. I want to go back to Vietnam and eat pho till I die. Singapore's weather is bound to kill me one day.

"Woman, 21, dies of eccentric weather death."

I want to be free - body mind and soul. I want to feel like I have never felt before. I need to release this energy that is trapped within me. I need to go somewhere.

*hides in spearmints' arm.

p.s. chloe: you actually read all of it! haha
Sunday, June 15, 2008


The only thing I ever indulgently spent on myself would be a whopping 80 SGD on a haircut. Be it once in every 6 months, once in every 3 months or sometimes once in every 7 weeks or worse, when I feel like my hair is out of control. My hair has natural waves and in Singapore to have waves, it makes your hair wavier, curlier, frizzier because of the hot weather. And nowadays I don't keep the ala Paul Twohill Hair anymore (but Paul said my hair was nice) because it is super out of control that hair police would exist to control my hair (think: hair mousse).

I hate wavy hair and considered soft rebonding but it would scare the hell out of my friends but I really need to do something about my hair. So I told my hairstylist that if I have to make another appointment in less than 3 months, that is it. I would be doing the soft rebonding because I cannot stand the fact that my hair gets out of control. Don't get me wrong because I do shampoo and condition my hair every day but I don't comb it. I mean, come on COMB WHAT? I suit the whole "after-sex" look; disheveled and tousled look.

Personally I feel that having a good haircut (be it the same or different haircut) is a very important factor because it makes a hell load of difference to your image (whatever image you have). Bad haircut with bad dyes, bad bald spots, bad shavings (or rather inappropriate shavings) or whatever you call it, tails.. Such hair turns me off. No offense to whoever has that. I prefer short, neat and prim, although I fancied my Paul Twohill Hair for a couple of years...

But with PTH (Paul Twohill Hair) makes me heavier, sadder, frantic and messy. I feel out of control, i felt the overgrowth and I feel the vegetation. I might get this whole Hair thing from Mother since she goes to the salon every sunday to either get something snipped off or like dye her hair again or whatever. She even had David Gan to cut her hair for 400 SGD?! Kidding me to think I was still having a lousy haircut at my marketplace back then.

Now I have truly understand the fine art of a good hair cut because it makes me feel good about myself (WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK) and I feel tidy and proper. Yes I went for a haircut again. The only indulgence I have since I don't have the urge to buy nice clothes (hence, same clothes also), buy nice gadgets (sigh, i am still thinking about N95 8GB), buy nice material stuffs but I do eat alot because I believe I should never compromise on food! I eat massively sigh i feel like a truck.

6 more weeks to go. I hope my hair stays in place.
Friday, June 06, 2008

Finally another update.

Omg I am so sorry I havent updated this site for goddamn long but I am turning 21st on the 8th of June! No big parties. I prefer light and easy. Anyway just for a few updates here and there for whoever cares.

  • Gotten my acceptance letter to La Trobe in Melbourne
  • Still busting my ass in the hospitals for close to a month, 64 days left to graduation!
  • Gained weight and look very fat like last time (OMG I KNOW)
  • I might decided to decline my university acceptance to wait for a year to study in SIM (University of Sydney) while I get to earn money and without having a hold of me from my parents.
  • P.s. That is the last hold they have of me.
  • Maybe its funnier to say that I want to decline my university acceptance so that I can sign line here and get my n95 8gb! I KNOW I KNOW! I am still looking for cheap brand new set..
  • I sold my Sangeawea (PSP!)
  • I am actually quite good at my job now.
  • Yes I am still with spearmints.
I will be back with more blogging mojojojo (lol) I PROMISE!