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Thursday, April 03, 2008

OT Week.

Finally this OT (Operating Theatre) posting is ending. The boredom and the arrogance of the staffs are killing me. I feel like a rat especially when JCIA is taking place. We get shooed when we are walking in the corridors into the theatres by the managers; we get shooed out of the theatres into the scrub room; we get shooed out of the scrub room to have breaks; we get shooed out of the pantry while having our (very long) breaks because JCIA is auditing the pantry; we hid in the changing room in fear; we get shooed out of the changing room because JCIA is coming; we hid in the toilet till we get shooed out and ran into the managers who eventually shooed us into the tutorial room to watch lame videos until the end of shift.

This rat is going to meet her rat girlfriend now.

P.s. Being an OT staff don't make you better than any other department staff. Friends, we need to stop the vicious cycle of ill-treating students! We are definitely being taken over by the PRC girls.... It is high time we write into the Forum and complain. OT is FLOODED with PRCs and it is killing me. I don't mind them if they are fucking humble BUT NO.

(Gerontology posting next week. I hope got year 1 students so I can bully them and make them take ALL the parameters! )