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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Top 10 reasons to stay single.

Top 10 reasons to stay single and still be happy while life goes on.

1) You dont have to account to anyone except for yourself and maybe for some of you, your parents which is completely normal and reasonable. i.e late night outs without anyone breathing down your neck with millions of texts coming in like,

a) Where are you now? What time are you going home?
b) Who are you with? Are you out with that bitch *Sally?
c) I miss you darling, can we talk on the phone?

2) You definitely dont miss the quarrels or disagreements which would probably end up in a time-out or worst, a breakup.

3) And definitely dont miss those heartaches, pathetic sobbings, ranting and raving on whys and those emotional turmoil.

4) You get to spend more on yourself and maybe a few more rounds of drinks for your friends as well (friends dont make you cry or heartache in that context)

5) You dont have to fuss over someone like if she has eaten today, or if she has taken her medicine if she is sick.

6) You can do whatever you want like even spending the whole day watching 流星花园 and finish the entire season without anyone texting you asking you to talk to her on the phone and annoying texts like, "why are you ignoring me", "are you cheating on me?", "stop watching your stupid shows and talk to me NOW."

7) It is better than to be in a open relationship although you might have someone to go home to at night but why not bring someone new home every night? ;)

8) You can leave your phone anywhere in the house and you dont really care about it.

9) You dont have to worry about anniversary/birthday/important dates or about forgetting about them. Or songs that have to be reminded of them and later on you have to delete those songs to prevent yourself from crying.

10) Why not?

I know when you are in love everything's so different, but just too bad I am not in love. Falling in love means so much to me and it is such a great deal that it is not easy falling in love again. The older you grow, the harder it is to fall. I am not old, only 20 but felt as though I went through a lifetime of emotions and I am not sure if I want to be sucked into this whirlpool anymore.

I love woman and I love women.

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