Today was beyond incredible! We actually woke up early in the morning (like morning morning) to have breakfast in CJ!! We went to EpiCentre to service my ipod but fortunately they have to do an one to one exchange!!! New nano, cool beans!!!! Merill Lynch called Jo finally for a job interview! We still get to go BKK!! She still gets a job!! (I hope!) Very pleasing to two worlds at the same time!!!!!! Applied for more jobs at Kelly's!!! Met a friend whom I had not seen for couple of weeks, wanted her to know that it was great seeing her again and that I wish that I would see her again soon somehow if she is still not too angry at me but it was good seeing her again despite all!!! Starbucks at Fullerton!!! My Polaroid has arrived!!!
Today is way too !!!!!! and it is a really a good day so pardon my exclamations! Because I don't think I can use any more exclamations to represent my very very pleasant day with a proper follow through plans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe a tiny moment in the train but it was nonetheless great still!!!)
(okay this exclamation is making me tired!)

see, we will go anywhere! we will just jump hahaha!

i'd wear my heart on my sleeves for you and you will be able to see my heart all the time but as it is, it has already been with you since.
and you will never have to worry about being pessimistic as a habit because... i am one happy woman.
(never did this before but... )
(hahaha scoffs at myself)