honestly i was trying to study for my practical exam which is happening in about 10 hours time and i have a whole system to memorize with five for fighting crooning in the background and about $1.50 left in my prepaid card. but i guess blogging just for awhile on my lappie wont kill right... and i need to smoke so badly.
prepaid cards. i used to think that prepaid card users are like losers & paupers but ever since my huge ass was indebted to m1 & starhub mounting up to 2k each provider plus termination fees, in fact i was FORCED to terminate the line inspite the contract and henceforth, i was really afraid of committed bills (and in any other case, commitment yes). thank god for momsie & cousin's help (not exactly, momsie cuts my allowance) if not i would be squatting in jail & i would have inhouse experiences for all of you. so, why bills shoot so high? i had an ex who loves to text and text and it lasted for about 15 months (lets guess who is it? hmmm), so if i dont text her, i have no alibi and she will throw accusations of me cheating on her/talking to other girls/texting other girls/sleeping with other girls/going out with other girls so being the very henpecked me ( i think still is, no?) i obeyed her whims. she could join "who wants to be a millionnaire" & be the fastest finger because when a text comes in & if i ever took like more than 4 minutes to reply her, she would send in another 10 more texts to annoy me and i went crazy, all the time.
so annoying but.. at least she cares but we need space dont we? well, so there you go, my coming out story for being a prepaid card user. in fact i think prepaid card users are richer than some because we can control our uses very well. i mean i have friends who'd record down & draw sticks to calculate their texts....... and then tally with the bill & if i am not wrong, they'd try to fuck the company if miscalculated.
i love using prepaid cards because m1 produced this wonderful card "Super TopUp M1 Card"! which consists of value of $20 & $30. so whats the deal about it?

for the $20 card, you get a total of $40 inside with free incoming calls (only applicable to normal mcard such as free incoming call card instead of texting plans) and fpr $30, you get $100 value! A TOTAl BARGAIN!
$75 Local Calls/SMS +
$25 IDD Calls/ Global SMS/ Value-Added Services
for more please visit m1
you tell me who win! i am always making momsie buy these super top up cards for me because it is totally worth it & if i am conscious enough i could use up to a month! it is so much better than your committed bills (postpaid cards). although using prepaid card is more expensive such as the calls... well fret not, you have free incoming calls! i mean who doesnt have?
i know, carrie & melissa dont have it at all or my mom. heehee..
okay enough of this, m1 isnt paying me at all i think they need to pay me the loyal prepaid card user! okay i am going to attempt to study again.
p/s: nuffnang's ad coming in on sunday! (that ad is so full of juju connotations!)
Labels: Daily Muse, Life Begins, Myself, Random shit, Snap