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Friday, June 29, 2007


honestly i was trying to study for my practical exam which is happening in about 10 hours time and i have a whole system to memorize with five for fighting crooning in the background and about $1.50 left in my prepaid card. but i guess blogging just for awhile on my lappie wont kill right... and i need to smoke so badly.

prepaid cards. i used to think that prepaid card users are like losers & paupers but ever since my huge ass was indebted to m1 & starhub mounting up to 2k each provider plus termination fees, in fact i was FORCED to terminate the line inspite the contract and henceforth, i was really afraid of committed bills (and in any other case, commitment yes). thank god for momsie & cousin's help (not exactly, momsie cuts my allowance) if not i would be squatting in jail & i would have inhouse experiences for all of you. so, why bills shoot so high? i had an ex who loves to text and text and it lasted for about 15 months (lets guess who is it? hmmm), so if i dont text her, i have no alibi and she will throw accusations of me cheating on her/talking to other girls/texting other girls/sleeping with other girls/going out with other girls so being the very henpecked me ( i think still is, no?) i obeyed her whims. she could join "who wants to be a millionnaire" & be the fastest finger because when a text comes in & if i ever took like more than 4 minutes to reply her, she would send in another 10 more texts to annoy me and i went crazy, all the time.

so annoying but.. at least she cares but we need space dont we? well, so there you go, my coming out story for being a prepaid card user. in fact i think prepaid card users are richer than some because we can control our uses very well. i mean i have friends who'd record down & draw sticks to calculate their texts....... and then tally with the bill & if i am not wrong, they'd try to fuck the company if miscalculated.

i love using prepaid cards because m1 produced this wonderful card "Super TopUp M1 Card"! which consists of value of $20 & $30. so whats the deal about it?

for the $20 card, you get a total of $40 inside with free incoming calls (only applicable to normal mcard such as free incoming call card instead of texting plans) and fpr $30, you get $100 value! A TOTAl BARGAIN!

$75 Local Calls/SMS +
$25 IDD Calls/ Global SMS/ Value-Added Services

for more please visit m1

you tell me who win! i am always making momsie buy these super top up cards for me because it is totally worth it & if i am conscious enough i could use up to a month! it is so much better than your committed bills (postpaid cards). although using prepaid card is more expensive such as the calls... well fret not, you have free incoming calls! i mean who doesnt have?

i know, carrie & melissa dont have it at all or my mom. heehee..

okay enough of this, m1 isnt paying me at all i think they need to pay me the loyal prepaid card user! okay i am going to attempt to study again.

p/s: nuffnang's ad coming in on sunday! (that ad is so full of juju connotations!)

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Obviously I cannot get my priorities right.

This is a very very crucial point of time for me because i have less than 30 hours to mug for my bio practical on friday, consisting of GIT/Nutrition/Nerve&Muscles/CNS etc. (actually i don't know whats more for me to study because looking at the contents scares me very badly) Less than 30 hours and what am i doing? Editing blog skins & now blogging about my not-very-prioritized priorities.

honestly i am taking myself for granted because i kinda scrapped through my life all the time and i hate being mediocre but sometime i just cant pumped myself up to it & i lack of motivation quite often albeit brimming with enthusiasm all the time but i guess id just die down & i would start to surf the bloody net & read random journals or like read xiaxue's archives 100 times all over again.

and to add on to my misery, infact i have less than 20 hours to study for research method papers on thursday. i AM so fantabulous, if there should be any award for the laziest lesbian in the world, i think i am going to win it.

really i need to snap out of this lazy daisy mood and i need to snap snap snap naps pans span. i find myself drifting so far away the moment i sit down & attempt to do something e.g. listening to lectures. i know in next 15 minutes i am as good as gone unless you are super interesting & witty i think you are losing me anyway. shit, its 1230am and i am still at page 2. (page 1 is content page)

come on come on come on juju! i am sure you can do better than this!
okay i think i am going to draw a headband that says "加油!"

see how i could never get my wrongdoings right despite knowing my stupid problems i am so annoyed at myself and i am going to just .. sleep.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good things came.

i am back from my wondrous & maybe a little disastrous Bangkok trip, feeling good yet stressed up. being back in Singapore makes me feel at home and being with my loved ones then again, it actually meant i have to work on my projects and so many assessments coming up. i think i am going to have a burnt out from next week onwards, so right now this last week (i have 2 weeks holidays) i am going to enjoy myself & let loose myself and enjoy my holidays and complete some of my assignments as well (i know jasmine is going to stare at me)

who ever said being a nurse is easy? who ever said that only people who couldn't get into other poly courses and could only choose nursing? who ever said that nursing is a dirty & low job? maybe being a lousy nurse is easy but being a capable & learnt nurse is so difficult i mean what is in store for you if you wanna be a lousy nurse? true, you may enter the course with almost any aggregate (less than 28 points) and first semester will determine if you are suited for the course because it was so mind draining & the exposure to dirty diapers & purulent sores or even some could not even take the sight of blood. we get the gruesome sights, we get the dirtiest hands, we get the nastiest scoffing from other professional allied workers and family members who think that we owe them a living wah i am so annoyed by how badly we are treated and not to mention, nurses getting so much but receiving so little in terms of e.g paychecks (very low salary) how to put up with the world? without passion & patriotism, i think all graduates would have flown to England/USA/UK for a higher paycheck & better humanity creatures.

for me, i cleaned up those asses with pleasure and sometimes in boredom because i get so bored and so routine cleaning them up and i cleaned their wounds in mountains of curiosity & intensity and i perspire quite a little (because you have to focus and the fans have to be switched off) and i talk to grandparents because most of them remind me of my grandparents & somehow i am showing some filial piety and no escape for women, or rather hot women & pretty girls, i would be the first one to chat them up & provide my first class services. & men, for this period of time i got so sick of dicks because i was in the male ward for the entire month and i thought i might just turned straight but ha ha i ran further towards the other way! (actually cute guys i also check them out in hope that i could actually feel for them and not the lusty way)

there are so many things to learn in this career and i think i am going to love my job although i have been telling everyone that i don't want to work at all and i just want to study till PhD and just lie on my mommy's inheritance but i guess i am someone who's more adventurous and i would always wanna seek for intensity, interest and i don't know, maybe something more but i am usually lasting until i feel that i have to move out & explore more. i mean no point staying in one place and just lie in your own comfort zone, and you might think you own the world, but hey the world is bigger than you know. so people, go out & venture, take the risk!

okay i don't know why i got so philosophical but hehe okay i have pictures from my 20th birthday celebration! nothing fanciful, just a dinner with couple of loved ones & an actually-i-know surprise. i love my friends and girlfriend (not exactly yet but.. i needed a proper endearment) okay pictures pictures!

my 20th

i was craving for chilli crabs @ a restaurant across tiong bahru market!

sarah, cheryl (chong)

skillful crabeater

still love pussies.

been blindfolded in the car

ah my favourite friends.

3rd cake @ yuani's house!

from awfully chocolate

(disclaimer: owner of a particular name didnt like it and wants me to remove any signs of her name, and therefore this is the best i can do because i think i like this picture alot. so quit yelling you are like the same obviously!)

cheryl looks good here!

very very high after couple of drinks

my very skinny friend, yuani


effects of dslr canon eos400n (or smth smth like this)
(yuani is a ghost, on skateboard in hospital)

well, thank you my favourite friends for making this pioneer celebration of my existence since i never really believed in birthdays and i think birthdays are meant to be great and be with your favourite people on earth. 21st should be better hor?

and finally, to mellie . who went all for it along with cheryl to plan for my birthday party and i know that she has been running errands and i am feeling so guilty because i dont think i am worth of that, just chilli crabs & i am very very contented. with all my heart, i love you & cant wait to spend each day with you in the coming days. (i am meeting her for gym & yoga sessions tmr and we have been all over each other for more than 2 weeks, constantly!)

ok miss her already. (SHE SO CUTE IN THE PICTURE!)

dad was being funny on some day ago, i wasnt home for the entire week, but i was home but he never saw so there was this afternoon he texted me,

"so are you on holidays, skipping classes or have you quitted school without notice? where have you been?"
nabei. my father is super funny, okay old man happy belated daddy's day!

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