Pelangi = Rainbow
Met up with couple of friends and started on our logic conversations, discussions on how gay marriages should/should not be legalized (or just as yet) and surprisingly our dreams. We took turns trying to visualize each other's future (NC would be a big boss) and they thought I would be a nurse in South Africa sending postcards to my friends, exclaiming my big face with the tiger on the loose in background or taking pictures with scrawny HIV positive kids. They thought I would be alone because I would be travelling around without a partner unless.... well they couldnt think of anyone who would share the same exact vision as I have, and it is tiring to be with me. This is quite a despair! In fact I would be travelling (I hope because I refuse to work) and doing odd jobs unless I have decided to settle down in a country for a year and maybe I would nurse for a year and skip towns!
I am so ambitious. In fact I do see myself being alone but enjoying the best for myself. Afterall I am a Gemini! I have a partner wherever I go (ala Twins!) and talking about astrology, we had a very fierce fight about it on.. how cunning & scheming Geminis are, how flirtatious Geminis are, how Geminis are so not okay to settle down with but but Geminis are fun loving, interesting, witty & really cool to be with! I used to check Friendster's horoscope at sharp twelve midnight but it is getting boring and really inaccurate........ (Like, Gemini Today you will meet someone interesting and might spark off some romance... Then you would be like, nabei I didnt go out today!)
Finally I have visited The Pelangi Pride Centre Library and we met inspired Eileena Lee who founded RedQuEEn! Set up as platform for Queer women in Singapore with workshops, forums and support groups. I think it would be a good platform for PLU women to meet new group of friends and share exciting life stories (such as coming out), so I applied to be a volunteer at The Pelangi Pride Centre a month ago, gladly giving it back to the community! The Pelangi Pride Centre is on the 4th floor above Mox Bar & Cafe, Bianco actually. Crudely we put, it is full of lesbian books and in fact more gay books than lesbian books! It was really cool (ok albeit nerdy) and it was a good afternoon to spend at, preferably with earl grey, cigarettes and good company to go along with would be perfecto! (yes you are a good company)

Caught The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros. I saw the review on the Newpaper and decided to catch it but obviously no one wants to catch it with me because by their standards it is an artsy-fartsy-boring-no-actions-no-babes-no-hunks-and-worse-its-a-gay-show. Surprisingly when I saw the title on the booking screen, Karen and I shouted OMG LETS WATCH THE BLOSSOMING OF MAXIMO OLIVEROS. -scurries to buy tickets ignoring the rest. It comforted me to know that I am not alone in this planet wanting to watch such shows.
It wasnt exactly 5 popcorns kinda show, the movie was kinda like a budget creation but with thought through angles. It really tickled us, but with flowing incessant warmth. Felt like I belonged there (so lame but yeah it really does). Really inspirational and touching. If a 12 year old could walk away from the man that he loves and cares for , why cant I? The scene of Maxi walking away from Vicktor standing at the curb .. wow it really gave it to me. That is strength.
How come no show like these portraying lesbians? (I havent watched Spider Lilies though) I should pick up directing instead.
*drum rolls*okay quit dreaming, the only people will rave after are your patients....okay i am back to mahjong (online) i dont understand why they refused to throw out 3 wan!
MC: The best director goes to........Julianne Seah!
Me: YES YES! YES! YES! YES *jumping up and down in gown! throwing fists in the air*
and all the queer women raves after me...

Labels: Daily Muse, Gay Affairs, Job, Myself, Plans, Sexciting, Snap, Take a breath